Tanya-Maria Mayer
Job title:
Specialist in internal medicine
Additional qualification:
Palliative medicine, nutritional medicine,
emergency medicine
"Being close to people, not leaving them alone and enabling the right to a self-determined life is what I see as my task."
2014 - present
2006 - 2013
2001 - 2004
1999 - 2001
1995 - 1996
1993 - 1994
1986 - 1994
Management of the haemato-oncological practice at the Klinikum Kassel
Additional qualification in palliative medicine
Additional qualification in nutritional medicine
Further training assistant in gastroenterology in the DGK Burgfeld Hospital and Deaconess Hospital in Kassel
Specialist in internal medicine
Sports doctor, cardiac sports department
Additional qualification in emergency medicine
Assistant doctor in the DGK Burgfeld Hospital, departments of cardiology and gastroenterology
Assistant doctor at the Kassel Clinic in the Medical Clinic II
License to practice medicine
Physician in internship in the departments of Oncology and
Internal medicine at the municipal clinics in Kassel
Physician in internship in the Department of Surgery am
Burgfeld Hospital Kassel
3rd state examination at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen
Practical year in the anesthesia department at the municipal clinics in Kassel
Studied human medicine at the Georg-August University in Göttingen
The heart of the family
Doctors Without Borders